Colab was born from the word ‘collaboration’, the Cambridge dictionary defines collaboration as ‘a
situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing’. We are able
to create synergy by pooling of resources and expertise.
We envisage in reaching out to would-be collaborators so that we can value add to one another
while working towards the same end in mind.

Colin’s career in banking begins with a major foreign bank, assuming the role of a mortgage banker, subsequently a relationship manager with exposure in wealth management and financial planning.
10 years of banking experience, he had helped home owners in transacting more than S$1 billion worth of properties. He believes that housing is an integral part of financial planning, and it should come first before all other components.
His passion in mortgages, often calling mortgage a unique language of itself, was the motivation which triggers him forming part of #TeamColab, empowering advisors with the knowledge and the ability to smoothening the mortgage process with best possible option
Colab’s training has provided me with an in-depth knowledge of the Singapore property market which is essential when managing my client’s financial portfolio. Their training is well structured and very informative. The support from Colab’s directors are excellent, special thanks to Colin who is ever ready to advise and give his support for any cases I was dealing with. I would highly recommend them to all the financial planners who want to add another dimension to their financial advisory business.
Abrial Lim
Director - Manulife Financial Advisers
It has been an eye opener for me throughout the entire course. I am more confident when engaging clients as i am now able to provide solutions not only to their mortgage, but to the retirement/investment portfolio with the help of their property.
Stanley Ong
Assistant Director, Investment Advisory - iFast Financial Pte Ltd
Colab MAP is a remarkable platform to buff up your knowledge and competency not just in the area of mortgage financing but also the rules and regulations for real estate. It allows my organisation to have a perfect linkage to our business model of financial planning. Hence, the value creation for our clients have been enhanced to a greater heights which also distinguish our guys from the rest in the industry.
Wilfred Tay
Financial Services Director
I am very grateful to Colab for providing me with a solid foundation in mortgages. It has allowed me to creatively structure my customers’ loans – helping them leverage more effectively and save costs over the long term.
Jacintha Gwee
Independent Mortgage Adviser

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